Hmmm. So apparently a short introduction to the links I put up is in need.
Silliman's Blog - I'd rather not introduce Ron Silliman. A fun thing about this blog is the comments by some really big names, over some pretty trivial issues, in a way that would make a facebook group proud.
Zaev Dutt - Aaaah. Where do I begin. The blog contains a whole bunch of firsts. A lot of truths in here. However the blogger loses a lot of his credibility by making snide/ underhanded statements about Batman while promoting Mr. Red Underwears.
Paul Krugman - Brilliant. Its weird that I actually like this guys writing so much considering I an a strong proponent of laissez-faire capitalism. The guy (at least right now) is pretty hardcore Keynesian in thinking but has some rock solid reasoning to back him up........ and yeah he won a Nobel a coupla months ago.
*Different Stars* - Mostly a fashion related blog. However you definitely find some pretty interesting poetry in here. Something I read in here:
"The honest truth,
Not to be told
But is known and
Yet seems to be unknown"
So yup gonna keep adding to the links and they'll show up depending on the latest updated.
Raking in the Chips at Poker
1 year ago
thanks for linking me up... nice to see dit back up...
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