Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2.40 a.m. Ramblings

Rambled on last night: 

The essence of being Human is being able to conciously enjoy happiness.... if you can't then you probably aren't very human

Basically humans are the only creatures on this planet capable of 'creating' only for happiness (and not out of need/ practicality). if you don't do things that truly make you happy, then it's just not worth doing anything at all.

Now unfortunately I still need to figure out a balance between the practical and not so paractical stuff I want to get done.

Moving on:
The Shashi Tharoor Twitter thingy is in the news (link). Just heard a senior beurocrat and SM krishna who was a bloody governor say that if he does not agree with the govt he shoukd resign his cabinet post. WHAT THE FUCK!!

I dont agree with everything Tharoor says but if a man (whether he is part of the government or not) has an opinion he wants to voice then he has a right to - by law.

It is also public policy he is discussing  and not "matters of state security" and by defination public policy is policy affecting the bloody public who have a right to listen to an opinion concerning it

Moving On:
Went to check on V at the cop station. Had got into a bit of an accident.
The weird thing:
So you have choppers checking all drivers at naka bandi's for a DUI offence but when two cars have been in an accident they don't check if any of the drivers have had a drink? WHAT THE FUCK!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Academart.com - seriously check it out !

Got sent this link with some amazing Russian impressionists (http://academart.com). I have no idea why some of these guys aren't ridiculously famous. The one on top is a Pavlov and the one below (which is not actually impressionist but still awesome) is a Pjankov .